13 December 2024, Loughborough University
10:30 Arrivals and Coffee
11:00 Welcome to Loughborough and UnICE3G Business: 1) Matters Arising, 2) Officers’ Report, 3) Any Other Business
Technical Presentations - Session 1
Christos Apostolou, Daniel Butcher, Edward Long, Adrian Spencer, Loughborough University; Thomas Elliott, John Rutledge, Perkins Engines Co., Ltd.
Emma Hailwood, Paul Hellier, Nicos Ladommatos, University College London; Martin Leonard, UK Health Security Agency
12:15 “Effect of Exhaust Gas Components on Oxygen Storage Capacity Measurements of Automotive Catalysts”
Liam McGrane, Roy Douglas and Kurtis Irwin, Catagen
12:45 “Comparison of Evaporation Model Performance for Simulation of Ammonia Sprays”
Daniel Bundred, Felix Leach, University of Oxford
13:15 Lunch - Stewart Miller Atrium in Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Technical Presentations - Session 2
14:15 “Experimental Study of Abnormal Combustion Behaviour in a Pure Hydrogen Spark-Ignition Engine”
Mohamed Ali Mohamed, Milad Mirshahi, Xinyan Wang, Hua Zhao, Brunel University London; Anthony Harrington, Jonathan Hall, Mahle Powertrain; Mark Peckham, Cambustion
14:45 “In-cylinder sampling analysis of the combustion of drop-in biofuels in a diesel engine”
Yanlin Han, Paul Hellier, Nicos Ladommatos, and Alessandro Schönborn, University College London
15:15 “EGR Cooler Fouling Modelling”
Ed Winward, Mark Cary, Zhijia Yang, Loughborough University
15:45 Tours of Loughborough Labs